Blades of the Fallen

Blades of the Fallen Cover

– The murder changes everything. The Vanguard is supposed to protect against such violence, not fall victim to it. But even the so-called ‘Fallen’ wouldn’t kill without reason. Would they?

The murderer changes everything. The Fallen keep to themselves, living comfortably separate to other Necurians. But he is dragging them towards war. Why is he so convinced that it’s the Vanguard’s fault?

The inquisitors have changed. As teenagers, they witnessed the murder in front of their eyes. Five years later, they wield the authority of the Vanguard, and they will hunt down the killer. The motives must be uncovered. Because even the Fallen would not kill without reason. –


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3 responses to “Blades of the Fallen”

  1. Blades of the Fallen | Nexuseses Avatar

    […] and for other outlets such as Barnes & Noble, Kobo, etc. will be added to the book’s page here when they become […]

  2. Not Dead Yet | Nexuseses Avatar

    […] If you read my books and can count, you may wonder what happened to book four (which should be my fifth novel but will actually be my sixth, except in terms of release, in which case it will indeed be my fifth. Just to clarify). I haven’t written it. My books do have slightly different tones, and some are too different to write from the same mindset. These two, to, have two too different tones. It’s true. So I’ve been unable to get myself in the right mood to write book four, but book five has been going fine. It is, if you are curious, taking a pinch of the noir from my thriller, Acts of Violence, and adding it into the mix. Not so much as to bring it out of the NEXUS series, but enough that I can’t write it and a lighter, more space opera-ish one at the same time (which is entirely in the style of Blades). […]

  3. Ghosts of the Fallen | Nexuseses Avatar

    […] you can probably tell from the cover, Blades secondary characters Mara and Tillann take the lead this time. It will likely change multiple times […]

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