How to Read

The NEXUS series started out with aspirations of being like Discworld – all connected, but also all standalone. That worked for the first three books, and then book four was a direct sequel to book three, and book five was the first of a trilogy… They are no longer completely standalone, and so I thought it would be a good idea to clarify what ‘needs’ to be read before what. I don’t know the best way to lay it out, so let’s go with my signature basic and yet needlessly complicated for now!

At the moment, I’m writing two trilogies, which are set about twenty years apart, but tie together. The books of each alternate, and should be read in order (Assassin, Fear, Assassin, Fear, Assassin, Fear).

For simplification, I’ll also use a key to show the importance of reading certain books:

Shadow of the Wraith

I started writing this when I was 12, so you’ll be hard pressed to find anything from before it! We meet Archer and Juni in this book, who will be the main protagonists of the overall series.

Temple of the Sixth

The protagonists of book 1 become side characters in this one, and early chapters overlap with a chapter in book 1, but you won’t be confused if you don’t read that first.

Blades of the Fallen

Another completely standalone book. The link here is that one of the protagonists is mentioned in book 1 (set over a hundred years after this one), and the other has a small role in it.

Ghosts of the Fallen

The direct sequel to Blades, continuing both story and character arcs. Blades should be read first.

Church of the Assassin

This one is also set before book 1, and there are a couple of names that will be familiar from books 1 and 2. The first of a trilogy, which alternates and ties in with the Fear trilogy.

Fear of the Dark

Archer and Juni are back to kick off another trilogy. This is mostly standalone, but understanding how the team is where they are and how Archer and Juni are tenuously together might be helpful, meaning book 1. Church should also be read first.

Forge of the Assassin

Obviously Church should be read first, and even though this is set about twenty years before Fear, it’s best to read both of these trilogies in the order they are released.

Fear of the Light

Hopefully this helps. It will probably help more when I realise there’s a much easier way to lay this out.