Tag: superhero

  • Of Thanos and Polymer Clay

    Of Thanos and Polymer Clay

    I should probably have written this right after I actually saw Avengers: Infinity War, but…I didn’t. But I have seen it and it was fine. Nothing overly special but vastly better than Age of Ultron and Civil War – each tied for worst Marvel film.

  • WB vs Justice League

    WB vs Justice League

    Dawn of Justice was terrible. Snyder made Superman into a dull, whining emo and Batman into a dim-witted, drunken, murdering psychopath who happens to dress like a bat. It goes without saying, then, that even after a mostly very good solo outing for Wonder Woman, I had no hope at…

  • Zack Snyder v Batman v Superman

    Zack Snyder v Batman v Superman

    I watched the film this morning not knowing what to think. And…I still don’t know what to think. If I were to give the briefest review, I would say it had good bits and bad bits, and overall I quite enjoyed it. But I’ll go a little deeper than that,…

  • Avengers: Age of Ultron

    Avengers: Age of Ultron

    From the trailers, we got the impression that Ultron could be the first villain in the Marvel Cinematic Universe who was truly menacing, intimidating, and scary. Someone who posed a very real threat to the Avengers, powerful as they are. Unfortunately, what we got was…a comedian.

  • Batman V Superman

    Batman V Superman

    Finally, we have a trailer for Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. And that subtitle is still stupid.

  • Agents of SHIELD

    …and other miscellaneous stuff not mentioned in the title.* I almost spelled miscellaneous without my browser’s help! Which would be mildly impressive if I weren’t supposed to be a writer. I haven’t written anything other than the book tour posts for quite a while, and I still can’t think of…